There's Still Time to Submit Books for 2019 Prize Consideration


The deadline to submit books for consideration for next year's AAAS/Subaru SB&F Prize for Excellence in Science Books is nearing. The submission period closes two months from today, on August 1.

The prize covers all aspects of science, including technology, mathematics, medicine, history of science, and biographies of scientists. Only nonfiction books about science are eligible for consideration, and each submission must have an English-language publication date between September 2017 and the end of August 2018.

A judging panel made up of scientists, experts in the field of science literature, librarians, and AAAS staff will assess the entries. Finalists will be notified early in the fall. Winners will be notified by the end of the year. The judges' decisions are final.

You can find additional information about judging criteria, eligibility, and submission guidelines here.